The benefits of yoga

There are endless benefits to practising yoga, some are evidence based, and others are observations from the long history of yoga practitioners over the last 5,000 years. Research can answer the ‘what, why and how?’ of yoga through a scientific lens. It is an invaluable tool when we are looking at how to prescribe the yoga practice in a clinical setting, as yoga teachers, and in our own personal practice too. Research is in its infancy compared to the practice itself, which has benefited yogis for millennia. There is so much we know about the human body and mind, and even more yet to be discovered. Combining research with our human experience of yoga allows us to tailor a personal practice. 

In my experience yoga is one of the best practices for your overall physical and mental wellness. It is a prescriptive practice with many different modalities to draw from – stretching, strengthening, mobility, stability, restorative, MFR – depending on your specific needs. We are rarely the same person each time we step on our mat, so the practice needs to be adaptable to how our day, week, year is going. What do you bring with you to your mat and how can your practice support you? 

Over the years my practice has evolved and become my therapeutic method for meeting my ever changing physical and mental needs. Although there are many more, this is a cross section of my favourite benefits that I use personally, and as inspiration for my sequences and classes. You will notice the root is often similar for each of the benefits listed below – sometimes it is the flowing movement, sometimes it is pausing in a pose, sometimes it is the breath, sometimes it is consciously relaxing and sometimes it is a combination of all, or a few, of these components of the practice.

1. Balances nervous system
Yoga's positive effect on the nervous system is in my opinion the most important benefit of yoga. The nervous system is our communication highway and is also responsible for initiating all bodily functions. It is the conductor that brings the symphony of our systems together in harmony. Flowing movement, taking time to pause, consciously breathing and consciously relaxing all stimulate the main nerve of the parasympathetic ‘rest and restore’ nervous system response – the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body and travels from the brainstem straight to the throat, heart, diaphragm, stomach, kidneys, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, sphincter and reproductive organs. Its job is to reduce heart rate and blood pressure, relax our airways, stimulate digestion and reproductive organs, and inhibit production of adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol. All favourable conditions for the systems of the body to perform at their best.

2. Aids relaxation & eases stress, tension & anxiety
Flowing movement releases and eases physical tension and manages pain, while at the same time a deepened breath, particularly the exhale, stimulates the vagus nerve in the throat and the diaphragm. This triggers the parasympathetic ‘rest and restore’ nervous system response with all the benefits listed above. Restorative yoga is the king of yoga when it comes to consciously relaxing. It downregulates the nervous system to the rest & restore response. In restorative, with the aid of props, we consciously relax the body and mind to bring you into complete comfort and rest. This helps you build a malleable nervous system which can be active when needed and relax when needed. 

3. Aids digestion
Flowing movement helps stimulate the whole digestion system. Pausing in twist and backbend poses are particularly beneficial. They gently squeeze the abdominal region, which stimulates the walls of the stomach to help with digestion and massages the muscles of the large intestine to help with elimination.

4. Increases circulation
Flowing movement, pausing in poses and consciously breathing help stimulate the cardiovascular and circulatory systems to pump blood around the whole body. This carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to all the cells, and removes waste products created in the metabolic functions. Pausing in twists, backbends and inversions are particularly beneficial. for the circulatory system. Twists and backbends press and release blood vessels which causes extra flow capacity, and inversions aid with venous return to the heart.

5. Boosts immune system
Yoga supports all the systems of the body and helps them to work together in partnership. It helps the digestive system absorb nutrition; the respiratory system to bring in oxygen; the circulatory system to transport oxygen and nutrients; and the lymphatic system to clean up and transport white blood cells. When the body is firing from all guns the immune system can do its important job of producing immune cells.

6. Builds strength
Both flowing movement and pausing in poses increases strength in many of the muscle groups of the whole body. Although light weights can also be used in a yoga practice, it mainly uses body weight against the forces of gravity to challenge and increase muscle tone and strength, along with bone & connective tissue strength. Standing poses and standing balancing poses strengthen the big muscles of the legs, improve our spatial awareness and our everyday ability to balance and manoeuvre.

7. Improves flexibility
Yoga moves the body in a wide variety of directions which helps increase flexibility more than many other movement practices and sporting endeavours. It works on our active range of movement (AROM), which is our range to move our joints without the help of an external force, and it works our passive range of motion (PROM), which is our range to be moved by with the help of an external force. Both active and passive range of motion are important for everyday mobility.  

8. Builds focus & concentration
Flowing movement, and pausing to hold poses, works our focus and concentration. It also increases circulation to the brain which improves memory and cognitive ability. Standing balancing poses, and poses you find more challenging, are particularly good at forcing you to focus. The nerves of the brain work on a system of pathways. When we build and establish a focus and concentration path the brain is more able to reproduce this pathway in your day to day life off the mat too.   

9. Increases energy
Consciously breathing a deeper breath and expanding our chest and lungs brings in more oxygen and increases circulation through the whole body – delivering oxygen and nutrients to all the cells. This initiates a metabolic reaction that creates ADP, or cell energy.

10. Improves sleep
Bringing together lots of the above benefits – balancing the nervous system, aiding relaxation and easing stress tension and anxiety – yoga helps improve our ability to fall asleep and the quality of our sleep. A strong practice earlier in the day can prepare the body for a good night's sleep, and a gentle practice, or restorative yoga, practised in the evening will help start the rest and relaxation process.

Each pose family has its own special range of benefits. Some overlap with other pose families and some are unique to that specific pose family. This sequence has a selection of poses from each of the pose families so you will capture a good selection of benefits listed above. You will flow through mini sequences, pause in poses, consciously breathe using my ‘+’ and ‘-’ cues and consciously relax at the end in savasana. You may even notice some of your own specific benefits too not listed above. If you are interested in tailoring your practice to your needs a good place to start is to explore my Yoga Benefits Wheel poster. It is divided into 10 pose categories and covers 45 different benefits. It is where yoga becomes specific to your individual requirements and helps you navigate your wellness journey. You will also find lots of inspiration in some of my previous articles about building a home practice:

Have a read of the tips below and either print out the sequence or save it onto your device:

  • Use the breath guide in the sequence to help you link breath with movement in the flow. Inhale is indicated with a ‘+’, exhale is a ‘-”.

  • If there are specific poses that you would like to stay longer in, give yourself three deep breaths in those poses, and pick up the next pose with the allocated inhale or exhale as indicated by the sequence.

  • For a longer practice add in a Sun Salutations at the start of each mini flow or repeat each mini flow.

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Ruth Delahunty Yogaru

Phalakasana - Plank

Phalakasana/Plank is a full body high return strengthening pose which doesn’t require you to hold it for very long before you start to feel the benefits and the challenge. It is often used as a benchmark pose to check core, shoulder and arm strength in a student to see if they are ready to try more challenging arm balancing poses. It quickly generates heat. It offers a mental and physical challenge and a challenge of both stamina and patience similar to our principal in yoga of effort and ease.

Phalakasana/Plank is one of the basic arm balancing poses used as a progression towards stronger arm balancing poses. It strengthens the shoulders, spine, arms, core, glutes, quads and hamstrings. As gravity presses down on your whole back body in Phalakasana/Plank your shoulders and core in particualr feel the challenge in holding the pose for any length of time. Making it a very good pose for building strength in the abdominal, the rotator cuff (SITS) and scapula stabilising muscles of the shoulders. It is an isometric pose which means the muscles are active and strengthening in a static pressing position. It also builds a strong spine, increases bone density, builds focus, heat, stamina, energy and circulation

Similar to Vasisthasana/Side Plank, when you are in Phalakasana/Plank scan from the base of your feet to the tip of your crown and remember your Tadasana/Mountain alignment cues. In Tadasana/Mountain we are pressing through the feet, hugging the hips to the midline, lengthening through all sides of the body and broadening through the collarbones. In Phalakasana/Plank we are following these exact blueprints and adding an extra level of lifting the hips against gravity with the strength of the core.

If your shoulders are not ready for Phalakasana/Plank stay with the version with the knees down and gradually build your shoulder strength. The shoulders appreciate consideration and require good stability awareness before you add a weighted challenge. If you are in the full version make sure your hips are maintaining the diagonal line from heel to tip of crown. If they are too high it will reduce your opportunity to strengthen the full body and if they are too low it will push pressure onto your lower back. Core strength is very important in this pose. If your wrists are sensitive try folding your mat over and placing your hands on the crease to lift the root of the palm up to reduce the extension in the wrists.

In this sequence you will use Cat/Cow to start the warm up process for Phalakasana/Plank. Remember to stay with the knees down version of Phalakasana/Plank if knees up is causing you any discomfort in the shoulders. You can repeat this sequence over the corse of a few months to build up towards Phalakasana/Plank.

Have a read of the tips below and either print out the sequence or save it onto your device:

  • From Adho Mukha Svanasana, inhale, reach forward and stack your shoulders over your wrists, press into all five knuckles of your hands, roll your biceps forward, shoulder blades spread outwards.

  • Press out through your heels to firm your legs, hips level to the ground, hug your outer hips to the midline. Exhale, draw your navel towards your spine, broaden through the collarbones.

  • Lengthen from your heels all the way to the tip of your crown in a diagonal line, keep your head in line with your spine, back of the neck long, gaze to the ground.

To save the images for personal use click and hold down the image until the ‘save image’ option appears; on Mac hold down ‘control’ and click the image to get the option box; on PC right click on the image to get the option box. Scroll down in the ‘option box’ and click ‘save image’.

Ruth Delahunty Yogaru

Why I practise yoga

Today, I am having one of those days where everything I touch seems to break, people misunderstand me, I misunderstand them and I am unjustifiably snapping at those I love. The first step for me is to notice my behaviour, the next step is onto my mat! When I feel like this, and I step on my mat, one of two things happen – either I get distracted from everything that felt big and unmanageable in my day, or I slow down my overthinking mind just enough to find a way to work through the sticky toffee of life. It is on days like this that I am profoundly grateful for the vast array of spiritual seekers who, for over 5,000 years, created and shared their love of yoga.

Very early on in my yoga practice I noticed the immediate and the long term benefits I was feeling after I attended a yoga class. At the time I was working in a job with tight deadlines, training very hard in the gym, pushing my body beyond its limits, and frequently getting injuries. Yoga helped me recognise the benefits of balance, and investing time in slowing down, to support my sporting endeavours and manage my day to day mental wellness too. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why yoga helped, but I knew that this was the start of a lifelong relationship with my mat.

Now, when I step on my mat, I take a moment to check in with what I am bringing to the mat with me, and what the rest of my day has in store for me. I then tailor my practice to my energy levels and mood. Sometimes I have a physical goal, like increasing hip mobility, building leg strength, or boosting energy levels; and sometimes I have a mental goal, like slowing my mind down, building focus or easing anxiety. Setting an intention for my practice allows me to get the most out of my time on my mat and makes it personal to my needs. Most days I practise in the morning so I can feel the benefits for the day ahead. My day is more focused and productive when I’ve invested in self-care and given myself breathing space before my ‘to do’ list kicks in. I also love Restorative yoga in the evening to reset my nervous system and start the wind down routine. The minute I roll my mat out there is a comfort of familiarity and I feel an inner calm wash over me.

Coming to my mat to practice is my comfort blanket – it reminds me that I am perfectly imperfect, I am uniquely me. I turn to it to find grounding; keep calm in difficult situations; find space to breathe a full breath; help me make healthy choices throughout the day… and yes it definitely feels really good to move every morning before I kick into whatever the day has in store for me!

Yoga is a very adaptable practice which can easily be tailored to your ever changing needs. The more I study the science behind it, the more I realise it is helping us physically and mentally more than we realise. I have written many articles about the benefits of yoga and how to establish a practice. Have a browse of the links below:
- The benefits of a morning practice
- 10 Tips to develop a home practice
- How to build a home practice
- 10 Reasons to build a home practice
- How can my practice help me today?

This sequence is what I am currently loving in my practice. I have added plenty of standing poses because I love the sturdy, strength and energy they give. They help me feel grounded and present in my day. I find my hips are susceptible to feeling stagnant during my day from sitting and writing for long periods of time, so I add plenty of hip mobility into my morning practice too. I love playing around with interesting and challenging transitions in my mini flows to work on my balance and proprioception. The mini flows also remind me to breathe as I link the inhale and exhale with each pose. Finally I love how the practice feels safe and contained within the four corners of my mat, but I like to use the full extent of my mat, so in some of my flows I move from the front of my mat to the back of the mat. This also keeps me alert, focused, and adds full body functional movement to my sequence.

Have a read of the tips below and either print out the sequence or save it onto your device:

  • Use the breath guide in the sequence to help you link breath with movement in the flow. Inhale is indicated with a ‘+’, exhale is a ‘-”.

  • If there are specific poses that you would like to stay longer in, give yourself three deep breaths in those poses, and pick up the next pose with the allocated inhale or exhale as indicated by the sequence.

  • For a longer practice add in a Sun Salutations at the start of each mini flow or repeat each mini flow.

To save the images for personal use click and hold down the image until the ‘save image’ option appears; on Mac hold down ‘control’ and click the image to get the option box; on PC right click on the image to get the option box. Scroll down in the ‘option box’ and click ‘save image’.

Ruth Delahunty Yogaru