Parsva Bakasana - Side Crow

In yoga there are poses with sister poses that keep the same foundation and add an upper body twist into the equation – Utkatasana & Parivrtta Utkatasana; Ashta Chandrasana & Parivrtta Ashta Chandrasana and Bakasana/Crow & Parsva Bakasana/Side Crow. If you find you are happily taking flight in Bakasana/Crow, and you are able to take a deep twist, it might be time to try Parsva Bakasana/Side Crow. Both poses are challenging arm balancing poses but you might be surprised to find that a strong core is more important than strong arms. With a strong core you can scoop your belly in to create the required curve in the spine, control your centre of gravity, and take some of the force out of the wrists. A strong core will also give a fulcrum to the pose, and a lightness to the lifting leg as you tip the weight forward, like the principle of a seesaw. 

Parsva Bakasana/Side Crow is a twisted, arm balancing pose. It stretches the muscles of the spine, core and glutes, and strengthens the shoulders, spine, core, hip flexors, glutes, groins and hamstrings. As an arm balance it builds heat, confidence, stamina, balance, coordination, focus, energy and strength. As a twisted pose it aids detoxification, digestion, tones the abdominal organs, boosts the immune system, circulation and eases fatigue, stress, tension and anxiety. It gives the gut a fantastic twist which makes it a great pose to practise if you find you need a bit of help to get, or keep, things moving.

Similar to Bakasana/Crow, if you are nervous of face planting, place a pillow or blanket on the ground in front of you. If you are not able to lift the second foot, practice lifting one foot up and hold for a few breaths. Use your strong core to play with your centre of gravity by tipping your weight forward until you feel ready to lift the legs. You might find your wrists fatigue very fast, but they also come back to life quickly too. Sit back on your heels and circle tour wrists until they feel ready to give the pose another go.

If your shoulders would benefit from some propped support you can try the first version of the peak pose in the sequence where you use a brinks under each shoulder at their highest height. Remember the bricks are not very sturdy so be sure to use your core to power the pose and the bricks up gently support the shoulders rather than take all your body weight.

This sequence warms up the spine with lots of twists and prepares the core, shoulders and arms without fatiguing them before your peak pose. 

Have a read of the tips below and either print out the sequence or save it onto your device:

  • From Malasana, step your feet together, twist to your right, place your hands on the ground to the right of your feet a little wider than shoulder width, fingers facing away from the legs.

  • Bend your elbows and place your left elbow above your right knee.

  • Strongly draw your navel towards your spine, round your upper back. Lean to your right side, shift your weight into your hands.

  • Exhale, with control, lift your feet up one at a time or both together, squeeze your inner thighs together, press into your hands, gaze slightly forward.

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Ruth Delahunty Yogaru

Winter mini flows

The start of the year is the perfect time to reflect on your self-care routines and proactively take some preemptive measures to stay well over the colder months. Yoga can support you through winter days where the temperatures suddenly plummet and your immune system is being bombarded with winter viruses. It also helps you when work and life demands are pulling you in both directions and no matter how deep you dig you just can’t find the energy to get out of bed in the dark mornings!

Yoga is hugely beneficial at any time of day – from an early morning stretch, a lunchtime de-stress or an evening wind-down. These sequences are designed to be short, efficient and easy to incorporate at any time of day. They will reset your system, stretch and strengthen your whole body and alleviate winter stiffness. They will prepare you for whatever the day has in store for you when practised in the morning, or set you up for a good night sleep when practised in the evening.

Each of these sequences are designed to combat four different winter challenges, and set you up for the shorter days and long months ahead. 

On those colder days when you can’t get warm no matter how many jumpers you layer on twists are your saviour! They fire your internal generator and boost your circulation. They bring fresh oxygenated blood to all the organs of the abdominal region – fueling them for optimum functionality. These biological functions naturally create heat which keeps you warm, cosy and glowing from the inside out. Starting your practice with any of the Surya Namaskars will very quickly build whole body heat too.

The immune system can get quite a hammering over the winter months. A simple head cold can lower your defences enough to kick start a run of nasty winter viruses. Backbends and twists massage and stimulate the lining of the gut and helps it work more efficiently at its many jobs – one of them being producing 80% of the immune system. A healthy gut fuels all the cells of the body and builds a strong, reactive immune system. Inversions and twists also boost blood and lymph circulation to help the body carry oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to all the cells of the body, and remove toxins.

Ever heard of the winter blues? Yes it’s a proven fact that we are inclined to feel more stressed and depressed over the winter months. Symptoms of stress crop up in many different ways. Tension in the hip joint can be brought on from sitting for long hours, but it can also be a sign of chronic stress as the body gets stuck in fight or flight mode. Hip opener poses help to shift this physical tension, and in turn release emotional tension too. Practise this sequence at a slower pace, pause in poses and take some deep breaths to help calm the nervous system.

There is a reason why you might feel more tired and sleep longer in the winter months. When there are less daylight hours, or days where the sun doesn’t make much of an appearance at all, melatonin, our sleepy hormone, continues to be produced and leaves you feeling a bit lethargic. Backbends and twists are very energising. They stretch the muscles of the respiratory system and help expand the breath – drawing in extra oxygen and circulating it around the whole body. Standing poses use the big muscles of the legs and increase circulation making you feel more awake. The challenge of the balancing poses instantly wake you up.

Each mini flow will take around 15 mins. If you would like to practise for longer add more rounds of Surya Namaskara C illustrated above in between each standing mini flow. When flowing through the mini flows indicated between the arrows, start with the right leg forward first, and then repeat this group of poses on the left side. Keep your transitions simple and when in doubt link pose through a Downward Dog or come back to Tadasana at the top of your mat and step back into your next pose. Take your time and enjoy the poses that nourish you, remember you are the boss of your practice. If you are really struggling to get on your mat just try a few rounds of The Sury Namaskar. They are the adaptogens of the yoga world. When you need calming they calm you, when you need energy they energise you!

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Ruth Delahunty Yogaru

Parivrtta Utkatasana - Revolved Chair

Parivrtta Utkatasana/Revolved Chair is the revolved version of Utkatasana/Chair. They are both very strengthening poses, particularly for the legs, and build instant heat when held for just a few breaths. When we add the twist we add a deep abdominal compressive massage to this already challenging pose. This deep twist stimulates all the organs of the abdominal region and fires up good digestion and elimination, absorption of nutrition, and increases circulation – all important jobs for building a strong immune system. Both versions are great poses to add into the start of each of your standing flows, as I have done in this sequence. It helps you to find your fierce strong legs and your connection to the ground beneath you.

Parivrtta Utkatasana/Revolved Chair is a twisted, standing pose. It stretches the muscles of the spine, shoulders, chest, core and glutes, and strengthens the spine, arms, core, hip flexors, glutes, quads and hamstrings. As a standing pose it builds heat, focus, energy, stamina, strength and good posture. As a twisted pose it aids detoxification, digestion, boosts the immune system and eases fatigue, stress, tension and anxiety.

There are lots of versions of Parivrtta Utkatasana/Revolved Chair to tailor to your spinal and shoulder mobility. This sequence offers two main versions – a gentler first version with the arms placed on the knee and hip, and a second version with the arms in prayer position. Regardless of which version you are happiest in, remember to lengthen through the spine to create space before you ask it to take this deep twist. Before you bring your gaze to the side, have a quick check that your knees are both still squared to the front of your mat. The hip on the side that you are twisting away from will want to join in on the twist, hug the hips to the midline and square to the front and only take the twist to the extent where your knees and hips stay forward. You can also add a brick between the knees to help you keep them level, help you hug the outer hips to the midline and lift the pelvic floor.

Notice how your breath reacts to this deep twist. When you arrive in your twist pause and breathe as deeply as your twisted torso will allow to challenge and nurture you lung capacity

Have a read of the tips below and either print out the sequence or save it onto your device:

  • From Utkatasana, feet together, bring your hands to prayer position in front of your heart centre.

  • Inhale, lengthen through your spine, exhale, twist to your right from the waist, place your left elbow outside your right knee. Check your knees are level.

  • Press your hands together, broaden through the collarbone, stack your shoulders, open your chest to the right, forearms stacked, bottom waist rolls forward, top waist rolls back.

  • Lengthen through your spine to the tip of your crown, gaze forward or over your right shoulder.

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Ruth Delahunty Yogaru