Parivrtta Utkatasana - Revolved Chair

Parivrtta Utkatasana/Revolved Chair is the revolved version of Utkatasana/Chair. They are both very strengthening poses, particularly for the legs, and build instant heat when held for just a few breaths. When we add the twist we add a deep abdominal compressive massage to this already challenging pose. This deep twist stimulates all the organs of the abdominal region and fires up good digestion and elimination, absorption of nutrition, and increases circulation – all important jobs for building a strong immune system. Both versions are great poses to add into the start of each of your standing flows, as I have done in this sequence. It helps you to find your fierce strong legs and your connection to the ground beneath you.

Parivrtta Utkatasana/Revolved Chair is a twisted, standing pose. It stretches the muscles of the spine, shoulders, chest, core and glutes, and strengthens the spine, arms, core, hip flexors, glutes, quads and hamstrings. As a standing pose it builds heat, focus, energy, stamina, strength and good posture. As a twisted pose it aids detoxification, digestion, boosts the immune system and eases fatigue, stress, tension and anxiety.

There are lots of versions of Parivrtta Utkatasana/Revolved Chair to tailor to your spinal and shoulder mobility. This sequence offers two main versions – a gentler first version with the arms placed on the knee and hip, and a second version with the arms in prayer position. Regardless of which version you are happiest in, remember to lengthen through the spine to create space before you ask it to take this deep twist. Before you bring your gaze to the side, have a quick check that your knees are both still squared to the front of your mat. The hip on the side that you are twisting away from will want to join in on the twist, hug the hips to the midline and square to the front and only take the twist to the extent where your knees and hips stay forward. You can also add a brick between the knees to help you keep them level, help you hug the outer hips to the midline and lift the pelvic floor.

Notice how your breath reacts to this deep twist. When you arrive in your twist pause and breathe as deeply as your twisted torso will allow to challenge and nurture you lung capacity

Have a read of the tips below and either print out the sequence or save it onto your device:

  • From Utkatasana, feet together, bring your hands to prayer position in front of your heart centre.

  • Inhale, lengthen through your spine, exhale, twist to your right from the waist, place your left elbow outside your right knee. Check your knees are level.

  • Press your hands together, broaden through the collarbone, stack your shoulders, open your chest to the right, forearms stacked, bottom waist rolls forward, top waist rolls back.

  • Lengthen through your spine to the tip of your crown, gaze forward or over your right shoulder.

To save the images for personal use click and hold down the image until the ‘save image’ option appears; on Mac hold down ‘control’ and click the image to get the option box; on PC right click on the image to get the option box. Scroll down in the ‘option box’ and click ‘save image’.

Ruth Delahunty Yogaru