
Virabhadrasana III - Warrior III

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From Virabhadrasana I, place your hands on your hips, inhale, lean forward and step your left leg forward a little.

Exhale, hinge forward from the hip joint, float your left leg parallel to the ground behind you, hips level to the ground. Roll the inner thigh of your left leg up, flex your foot and press out through the heel, firm your lifted leg.

Reach your arms back or reach your arms forward in line with your ears. Lengthen through your spine and the sides of the body, gaze to the ground or to your fingertips if your arms are forward.

Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana - Standing Splits

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From Virabhadrasana III, reach your arms down to the ground, press into all three points of your right foot, inhale here.

Exhale, fold further forward, move your chest in towards your right leg, at the same time lift your left leg up high, press through the balls of your extended foot, roll the inner thigh of your left leg back, hips level. Hug your outer hips to the midline and draw your navel towards your spine.

Press into your left fingertips and wrap your right hand around your right ankle, gaze to your shin.

Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana - Revolved Half Moon

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From Virabhadrasana I, inhale, reach your left arm high, palm facing right, lengthen up through your spine.

Exhale, twist to your right from the waist, reach your left hand to the big toe side of your right foot, a foot forward, on a brick, or the ground. At the same time float your left leg up parallel to the ground, toes facing down, press out through the heel, roll the inner thigh of your left leg up.

Reach your right arm up high, palm facing right, stack your shoulders. Bottom waist rolls forward, top waist rolls back, lengthen from the heel of your lifted leg to the tip of your crown, gaze forward or to your right fingertips.

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana - Revolved Side Angle

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From Virabhadrasana I, press your right thumb into your right hip crease to guide the hip back, inhale, reach your left arm high and lengthen through the spine.

Exhale, hinge forward from the hip joint and twist to the right from the waist, hug your right hip to the midline, hips level, right hip draws back, left hip draws forward.

Place your left hand outside your right foot, on a brick, or the ground, extend your right arm up palm facing forward, reach your arm along you ear.

Bottom waist rolls forward, top waist rolls back, gaze under your upper arm.