
Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog

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From tabletop, lift your hips up and back, hands shoulder width apart, feet hip width apart, fingers spread, press into all five knuckles of your hands and lightly though the pads of your fingers.

Roll your biceps forward, broaden through the collarbones, back of the neck long, firm your shoulder blades onto your back, head in line with your ears.

Pelvis tips forward, lift your sit bones up, stretch your heels towards the ground, draw your hips up and back.

Top of the thighs press back, roll your inner thighs back. Hug your outer hips to the midline, gaze to the ground under your pelvis.

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana - Dolphin

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From kneeling, place your forearms parallel on the ground, shoulder width apart. Root down through your forearms and lengthen up to your shoulders, broaden through the collarbones.

Gaze between your forearms, lift your knees up and walk your feet in towards your arms. Lift your sit bones up, roll your inner thighs back.

Press down into your feet and firm your legs, back of the neck long, gaze forward.

Prasarita Padottanasana I - Wide Legged Forward Fold I

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From Tadasana, hands on hips, step your left foot in a wide stance to face the side of your mat, inner feet parallel, press into the three points of your feet.

Inhale, lift your inner thighs and lengthen up through your spine. Exhale, hinge forward from the hip joint, place your fingertips on a brick, or the ground underneath your shoulders, inhale here.

Exhale, bend your elbows back between your legs and fold forward, working towards walking your hands between your feet, fingers face forward, lengthen your spine, lift your sit bones up. Crown of the head moving towards, or on the ground, gaze behind.

Camatkarasana - Wild Thing



From Vasisthasana, step your left foot behind your right leg with a bent knee, inhale here.

Exhale, ground into your right foot to lift your hips up and arch your upper back. Rotate your left palm to face the front of the mat, sweep your arm up and over your ear. Gently draw your navel towards your spine.

Arch through your whole back, lengthen your neck and softly reach your head back, expand through the collarbones and open through your heart centre, gaze up.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - Bridge

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Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet parallel and hip width apart, heels close to your sit bones. Arms pressed into the ground beside you. Root through your big toe mound and inner heels, inhale here.

Exhale, lift your hips up, knees extend forward, sternum lift up and towards your chin. Lightly press into the back of your head, back of the neck long. Roll your shoulders under and clasp your hands under your pelvis, extend your arms towards your feet.

Hug your outer hips to the midline, thighs parallel to the ground, roll your inner thighs down, gaze up.